An annual weed of arable land. It is usually white or cream.
Viola arvensis NS5566 25Jul2017 PW

The sepals are longer than the petals.
Viola arvensis NS5566 25Jul2017 PW

Viola arvensis NS5566 25Jul2017 PW

The central lobe of the stipules is leaf-like with margins notched with regular rounded teeth (crenate).
Viola arvensis NS5566 25Jul2017 PW

Viola arvensis NS5566 25Jul2017 PW
This is a perennial plant of upland grasslands and metal mine sites.
Viola lutea NS6546 18Aug2010 MJP
I often has yellow, blue, and purple in the flowers.
Viola lutea NS6546 18Aug2010 MJP
Flower can be mainly one colour and often in Lanarkshire it is all purple. The flower is > 20mm vertically, with barely overlapping petals.
Viola lutea NS6546 18Aug2010 MJP
Viola lutea NS6546 18Aug2010 MJP

Terminal segment of the stipules scarcely wider than the others and entire.
Viola lutea NT0442 4Jun22 PW
Typical upland grassland habitat with Yarrow, Harebell and Meadow Buttercup.
Viola lutea NS6546 18Aug2010 MJP

Both are V. lutea showing two different colonies, possibly spreading by stolons.
Viola lutea NS8814 19Jun22 PW

The flowers are 10-25mm vertically and the petals are longer than the calyx.
Viola tricolor NS8814 22Jul2020 MP

The terminal segment of the palmate stipule is clearly wider than others and entire to ±crenate.
Viola tricolor NS9738 16Sep2017 PW

Viola tricolor NS9738 16Sep2017 PW

Viola tricolor NS8814 22Jul2020 MP

Viola tricolor NS8814 22Jul2020 MP

Leaves are orbicular and rounded at apex. Flowers blue / lilac.
Viola palustris NS8761 13May18 PW
The spur is the same colour as the rest of the flower and this dark veining is typical.
Viola palustris 28May2017 NS8267 PW

The sepals are blunt.
Viola palustris NT0057 5May18 PW
Viola palustris 28May2017 NS8267 PW

This is a common appearance, emerging from between last season’s rushes in a bog.
Viola palustris NS8761 13May18 PW

Viola palustris 30May2016 NS7846 MP

Viola riviniana 21Jul14 NS8065 PW
Viola riviniana NS7143 08May2008 MJP

The leaves arise from a basal rosette.
Viola riviniana 27May14 NS5856 PW

The sepals are sharply pointed and the spur is paler than the flower.
Viola riviniana NS6057 28Apr2019 PW

At the base of the sepal is the sepal appendage, a flap heading backwards towards the stem. In this species, this is at least 1.5mm long which differentiates it from V. reichenbachiana which also has a darker spur.
Viola riviniana 27May14 NS5856 PW

Basal rosette ovate to orbicular, obtuse and deeply cordate.
Viola riviniana 22Apr2017 NS9439 MP
The open seed pods are disctinctive.
Viola riviniana 30Jun2017 NS9455 MP