Senecio family - Ragworts and Groundsels
Senecio jacobaea – Common Ragwort
Senecio squalidus – Oxford Ragwort
Senecio aquaticus - Marsh Ragwort
Senecio inaequidens – Narrow-leafed Ragwort
Senecio vulgaris – Groundsel
Senecio sylvaticus – Heath Groundsel
This has fewer glandular hairs than S. viscosus but more useful differences are 13 involucral bracts and hairy / pubescent achenes. It also has more consistently revolute ray-florets.
Senecio viscosus – Sticky Groundsel
This plant is usually dirty with lots of fine grit and soil attached to the leaves and stem due to glandular sticky hairs. It has 20 involucral bracts and glabrous achenes.
Senecio erucifolius - Hoary Groundsel
Senecio sarracenicus - Broad-leaved Ragwort