Berula and Apium - Lesser Water-parsnip and Marshworts
Berula erecta - Lesser Water-parsnip or Cutleaf Water-parsnip
This grows at the edge of rivers, canals or lakes. It can develop into substantial stands in water.
It can be easily confused with Apium nodiflora, Fool’s Water-cress. Berula erecta’s leaves are more blue-green and have 5 - 10 leaflets which are more coarsely and sharply toothed. The flower umbels have bracts and bracteoles. There is ring on the lower petioles, towards the base.
Apium nodiflora - Fool’s Water-cress (Pictures awaited). This has bright green leaves with 2 - 4 leaflets. It has no bracts and no ring on the lower petioles.