Myrrhis odorata - Sweet Cicely

Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
The male flowers are on the outside of the umbel.
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
There are no bracts, but there are bracteoles immediately below the flowers.
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
The white patches are distinctive. The soft leaves also smell of aniseed when crushed.
Myrrhis odorata NS6273 20Apr2019 PW
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 26May2013 PW
The distinctive fruits this plant can be recognised later in the season. The outer male rays have already fallen leaving the fruits bunched in the middle.
Myrrhis odorata NS5755 August2010 PW
The umbels have peduncles longer then the rays. Normal the outer rays bear males flowers and are thinner.
Myrrhis odorata NS6273 4May2019 MP