Helleborus species - Hellebores
There are three Hellebores occasionally found in Lanarkshire. While H. foetidus is a native in the South of England like the other species, all plants found are naturalised garden escapes. They all flower early in the year.
Helleborus argutifolius - Corsican Hellebore
This is the only one, photographed so far in Lanarkshire. It has leaves arising from the stem and they have sharp teeth that are awl-like (subulate). The leaves also do not have a smell when crushed and the sepals do not have a purplish tinge.
Helleborus foetidus - Stinking Hellebore
It has leaves only arising from the stem and they have blunt teeth. The leaves stink when crushed and the sepals often have a purplish tinge.
Helleborus viridis - Green Hellebore
It has leaves only arising from a basal rosette.