Artemisia species - Mugwort and Wormwood
Artemisia absinthium - Wormwood
Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort

The pale, silvery upper surface of the leaves distinguish this from the much commoner A. vulagaris.
Artemisia absinthium NS5665 18Sept2018 PW
Artemisia absinthium NS5665 18Sept2018 PW
Artemisia absinthium NS5665 18Sept2018 PW
Artemisia absinthium NS5665 18Sept2018 PW
This is a common weed of rough pastures and waste-ground. The deep green upper surface of the leaves is contrasted with the white under-surfaces and red, ridged stems.
Artemisia vulgaris NS6163 22Sep2018 PW
Artemisia vulgaris NS6163 22Sep2018 PW
Artemisia vulgaris NS6163 22Sep2018 PW
Artemisia vulgaris NS6163 22Sep2018 PW
Artemisia absinthium - Wormwood
Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort