Urtica - Nettle family
We have four members of the larger nettle family (Urticaceae) in Lanarkshire. The two nettles are on this page and the two other members are on other pages..
Urtica dioica - Common Nettle. This is common and favours soils with high nutrient levels such as beside farm buildings, field edges and lanes. It is perennial and spreads by runners. The terminal tooth on the leaf is always much longer than adjacent teeth.
It is dioecious that is has separate male and female plants which can be easily told apart by their flowers.
Urtica urens - Annual Nettle, Dwarf Nettle, Small Nettle or Dog Nettle Unlike Urtica dioica, it is annual and generally much shorter. It has more ovoid leaves with coarser, deeper toothing with the terminal tooth about as long as the adjacent teeth. The lower leaves are shorter than their longer petioles.
We also have a couple of plants that don’t look like a nettle until you examine their flowers.
Parietaria judaica - Pellitory-of-the-wall and Soleirolia soleirolii, ‘Mind-your-own-business‘ are both members of this family but without the sting.)