Campanulas - Bell Flowers and Harebell
Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell, is always a delight to see in grassland. The stem leaves are linear while the basal leaves are round, hence its species name, but they usually wither before flowering.
Campanula latifolia - Giant Bellflower, is a tall handsome flower, with softly hairy, bluntly angled, unbranched stems to 1.5m
Campanula lactiflora - Milky Bellflower, is similar to Campanula latifolia, but has serrate calyx lobes and more ovate leaves. It is a garden escape that establishes itself, especially beside water.
Campanula trachelium - Nettle-leaved Bellflower, has a sharply angled, slightly hispid stem as well leaves reminiscent of a stinging nettle.
Campanula poscharskyana - Trailing Bellflower, is one of two trailing Campunulas that have established themselves from gardens. This one has a bell-like flower, which at the mouth, is about as wide as the flower is long. The lobes of the flower are divided 1/2 - 3/4 of the way to the base.