Conopodium majus - Pignut
This is a common plant of grassy area in woods and woodland edge and sometimes emerging from leaf litter.

The flower-head is smaller and laxer than other umbellifers.
Conopodium majus NS5770 25May23 DS
The basal leaves are narrow and 3-pinnate and usually turn yellow by the time of flowering.
Conopdoum majus NS5756 08Apr2018 PW
Conopodium majus 29April2018 NS6467 MP
The stem-leaves are finely divided and later turn yellow and fall off.
Conopodium majus NS5770 25May23 DS
Later on in the season, these shiny, red seed pods are distinctive. You can see the stem leaves 1 or 2-pinnate fading to yellow, the basal leaves will already have faded like this.
linConopodium majus NS8328 11July2021 PW
This is a common plant of grassy area in woods and woodland edge and sometimes emerging from leaf litter.