Cochlearia danica - Danish Scurvygrass
Cochlearia danica - Danish Scurvygrass
This is common on seashores, but in VC77 it is widespread on roadsides.
The rosette leaves are variable. They have stalks, are ovate with a cordate base and blunt tip. They can be entire, shallowly lobed or deeply lobed. They do not persist past flowering.
The stem leaves are palmately lobed.
The plants can be dark green or purplish and are hairless.
Cochlearia pyrenaica Pyrenean Scurvygrass
This is an upland plant close to Cochlearia officinaiis Common Scurvygrass. C. officinalis has thickened fleshy basal leaves and the stem leaves clearly clasp the stem. Cochlearia pyrenaica Pyrenean Scurvygrass does not have the thickened leaves and they are usually kidney-shaped. The flowers are also smaller, only up to 8mm across.