Ranunculus repens NS6666 28May2019 PW

Ranunculus repens NS6666 28May2019 PW

Ranunculus repens NS6666 28May2019 PW

Ranunculus acris NS6660 8May2019 PW

Ranunculus acris NS6660 8May2019 PW

The sepals are spreading and flower stalk is not grooved.
Ranunculus acris NS6660 8May2019 PW

Ranunculus acris NS6660 8May2019 PW

The leaf has three to five lobes each of which are deeply toothed.
Ranunculus acris NS6057 28Apr2019 PW

Ranunculus sceleratus 7Jun2017 NS7171 MP

Ranunculus sceleratus 19Jul15 NS 621574 PW

Ranunculus sceleratus 19Jul15 NS 621574 PW

Ranunculus sceleratus NS5971 21July2018 PW

Ranunculus sceleratus NS5971 21July2018 PW

The leaves have been compared to canoe paddles.
Ranunculus flammula NS8761 13May2018 PW

Ranunculus flammula NS6158 19May2015 PW

Ranunculus flammula NS6158 19May2015 PW

Ranunculus flammula NS6158 19May2015 PW

Ranunculus lingua NS8761 13May2018 FM

Ranunculus lingua NS8761 13May2018 FM

Ranunculus auricomus NS8842 12May2012 FM

Ranunculus hederaceus 25May2017 NS8919 MP

Ranunculus omiophyllus NS7846 25May2020 MP

Ranunculus omiophyllus NS7846 25May2020 MP

Ranunculus omiophyllus NS7846 25May2020 MP

Ranunculus hederaceus NT0056 5May2018 PW

Ranunculus hederaceus NT0056 5May2018 PW

Ranunculus hederaceus NT0056 5May2018 PW

Ranunculus hederaceus NT0056 5May2018 PW

Ranunculus hederaceus NT0056 5May2018 PW

Ranunculus pencillatus ssp pseudofluitans 14Jun2016 NT0129 PW

Ranunculus pencillatus ssp pseudofluitans 14Jun2016 NT0129 PW

Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans NS9842 2June2018 PW

Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans NS9842 2June2018 PW

Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans NS9842 2June2018 PW

Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans NS9842 2June2018 PW

This shows the small nectar pit at the base of the petals which is needed for identification of Crowfoots.
Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans NS9842 2June2018 PW