Asplenium species - Spleenwort, Wall Rue and Hart's Tongue ferns
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum - Black Spleenwort
This is a small, tufted fern with dark green, triangular, evergreen fronds which are 1 - 3 pinnate.
It has glossy purplish-black stalks which are not evident in these pictures.
Asplenium ruta-muraria - Wall Rue
Asplenium scolopendrium - Hart's Tongue
This is a distinctive, glossy, dark-green, evergreen fern with a strap like frond.
Asplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair Spleenwort
This tufted fern has blackish glossy stalks and midribs with blunt oblong pinnae.
This is the commoner subspecies quadrivalens, which has convex or flat upper pinnae and a black stalk. The ssp trichomanes has concave upper pinnae and a dark brown stalk.
Asplenium ceterach Rustyback Fern