Phleum species - Timothy Grass
There are two species of this common grass in Lanarkshire. It tends to flower later than other grasses and is a potent cause of hay fever in in mid-July and into August. The differences between Phleum pratense - and Phleum bertolonii are based on size and these metric characters are not truly distinct. Obviously a pratense may grow through the size of a bertolonii.
Phleum pratense - Timothy
Inflorescence (2) - 6 - 15 - (30) cm long, spikelets are 3 - 4 mm long excluding the awns.
Phleum bertolonii - Smaller Cat's-tail
Inflorescence 1 - 6 - (8) cm long, spikelets are 2 - 3 mm long excluding the awns.