Festuca, Schedonorus and Vulpia - Fescues
Festuca ovina - Sheep’s Fescue
Festuca rubra - Red Fescue
Festuca vivpara - Viviparous Fescue
Schedonorus giganteus - Giant Fescue
Schedonorus pratensis - Meadow Fescue
Schedonorus arundinaceus - Tall Fescue
There is a useful guide to Fescues here.
Vulpia species are the long-awned fescues. They are all annuals and have one sided inflorescences very un-equal glumes.
Vulpia bromoides – Squirreltail Fescue
Squirrel-tail waves its tail out – the panicle is further away from the first leaf and the lower glumes are more than half the length of the upper glume.
Vulpia myuros - Rat's-tail Fescue
Rat's-tail keeps its tail tucked into the sheath, the panicle is closer to the first leaf and the upper glume is more than twice the length of the lower one.