Corylus avellana - Hazel

Corylus avellana NS 53311 64816 16Feb18 PW
Hazel has many trunks branching out from just above ground.
Corylus avellana NS5856 8Apr2018 PW
Corylus avellana NS 53311 64816 16Feb18 PW
Male catkins
Corylus avellana NS 53311 64816 16Feb18 PW
Male catkins
Corylus avellana NS 53311 64816 16Feb18 PW
Female flowers open just after the pollen is shed on the same tree.
Corylus avellana NS6058 21May2017 PW
The petiole is densely hairy or pubescent and there are white veins on the leaf veins below.
Corylus avellana NS6058 21May2017 PW
Corylus avellana NS7950 16Jul2020 MP