Sedum, Petrosedum and Hylotelephium species - Stonecrops
Sedum acre - Biting Stonecrop
Sedum anglicum - English Stonecrop . This can be similar to S. album. They both have white flowers and can be tinged with red. This has the sepals joined at the base into a short calyx-tube and the flowers are pointed and narrower.
Sedum album - White Stonecrop. This has sepals free to the base and the petals are broader and blunter than S. anglicum.
Hylotelephium 'Herbstfreude' - Autumn Stonecrop, was previously known as Sedum spectabile x telephium = S. x 'Herbstfreude' but was changed in Stace 4th Ed.
Sedum villosum - Hairy Stonecrop
Sedum kamtschaticum - Kamchatka Stonecrop
Petrosedum rupestre - Reflexed Stonecrop, was Sedum rupestre but was changed in Stace 4th Ed.
Sedum sarmentosum - is a garden escape.
Hylotelephium telephium - Orpine, was Sedum telephium but was changed in Stace 4th Ed.